In loco Parentis – In the place of a parent 

Our College system provides all aspects of support for your child’s academic progress and pastoral care throughout their school career. Your child will join a College when they enter the Academy and will remain with that College and tutor group for their entire 5 year journey, with their Tutor fulfilling the role of their parent within school.

Your child’s named College does not imply that they have a particular aptitude or interest. Your child will have access to the same curriculum provision, choices and Academy facilities irrespective of their College. Each College is named after an inspirational figure that epitomises the values that the College Leader hopes to nurture.

Tutor groups are of mixed ages, with approximately four students from each year allocated to each. This “family grouping” will provide your child with opportunities to learn about leadership and responsibility and take an active role in supporting and encouraging other students. It will also provide your child with a much broader knowledge and understanding of all aspects of school life. Tutor groups have approximately 20 students allowing each Tutor to really get to know their tutees.









